Yes, we are all about goal crushing at the gym and getting those results in — but we wouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t for our community who shows up for us, believes in us, and roots us on. 

Our community, though, isn’t just where we are — its who we are, it’s what we do. 

At Inner G, we’re dedicated to giving back and showing love anywhere and any way we can. 


Last year, our Inner G team joined OTM Clothing Co., in our annual WULU event providing over 100 warm jackets and hot meals to those in the Scadding Court area of Toronto. It aims to create a world where people live bigger than themselves by lifting others up. Creating a shift, together we’re igniting change and giving second chances. 


Starting in November for each class card and membership sold we will be paying it forward by providing Care Kits for those in shelters and on the streets.
These kits will contain the essentials for those living in harsher conditions.

The following items will be include in various kits:
hair brush, deodorant, sanitizer, toothbrush, toothpaste, tampons, gloves, toque, socks and sleeping bag.